About me

I’m a pianist, composer and music teacher, born and grew up in Italy and living in Brasil since 2002. During my life I accumulated an extensive career as an instrumentalist, composer and music educator.

As an educator, I’ve been teaching at Faculdade de Música do Espirito Santo (FAMES), since 2003, where I coordinated the Department of Popular Music, which I founded. I taught Harmony, Improvisation, Popular Piano and Performance.

In 2014 I founded an online school (www.terradamusica.com.br) where Portuguese speakers can access a lot of instrument and theory courses, such as Harmony, Improvisation, Music Theory, Music Writing and so on.

I’m the author of a 2 Volumes method called  “Improvisation: creative practices to a melodic composition in popular music” (only in portuguese), published by Irmãos Vitale, and nowadays it is considered among the best musical methods in Brazil.

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In 2009 I published the method “Rítmica e levadas brasileiras para o piano” (only in Portuguese) and in 2013 I published my fourth book: “Piano Bossa Nova: progressive method” (in English and Portuguese), a multimedia method to learn Piano Bossa Nova composed by the book+videos+mp3.

As a professor, I taught from 2003 to 2012 at Faculdade de Música do Espírito Santo (FAMES) – a brazilian Faculty of Music in the city of Vitória. At this Faculty I’ve founded and coordinated the Popular Music Department. There I taught Harmony, Improvisation, Popular Piano and Performance.

As an educator I’ve had the pleasure to contribute in several different institutions in Brasil and abroad (FASM-Faculdade Santa Marcelina-SP; Conservatório Souza Lima-SP; Conservatório de Música de São João del Rei-MG; TKT Musical-SP; UFES-Universidade Federal do ES; CAEM-SP; Instituto Musical Márcia Couto, Maringá-PR; Intermezzo, São Paulo-SP; Escola de Música Rafael Bastos, Florianópolis-SC; Instituto Musical Souza & Muzir, Serra-ES, entre outras); UFMA (Universidade Federal do Maranhão), FAMES Faculdade de Música do Estado- ES; Escola de Música Lilah Lisboa em São Luiz do Maranhão/MA; Escola Projeto Sonoro Guarulhos-SP; Conservatório de Música de Uberaba-MG; Festivals (Festival de Música de Curitiba-PR; Festival de Música de Itajaí-SC; Festival Internacional de Inverno de Domingos Martins-ES) Congresses (CAEM-SP) e foreign institutions (Campbellsville University of Music-Kentucky/EUA; School of Music at University of Louisville-Kentucky/EUA; Escola Cívica de Jazz- Milão; Scenario Pubblico-Catania) among others.

I worked as a teacher in some Post Graduation Courses in different cities in Brazil.

As a researcher, in 2007 I concluded a post-graduation in music therapy at UFES, the Federal University of Espirito Santo. I have a Master’s degree in Literature from the same institution, with the work “Malandros e malandragem: Noel Rosa”, studying the songs by the composer Noel Rosa.

I’m a columnist for the digital music magazine Teclas e Afins. I’ve been a columnist for the Brazilian magazine Teclado e Piano from 2006 until its last issue (2009). I’ve also published articles in magazines such as “No Tom” and Roland Brazil.

In 2007 I released my first authorial CD “Interferências”. In 2010 the album has been launched in Japan by a Japanese label.

In 2011 I released my second CD, “Conversa na Vila,” a tribute to Noel Rosa a composer from Rio de Janeiro of the first decades of the XXth century. The work had the relevant participation of Arranco de Varsóvia and others internationally renowned musicians.

In 2008 I idealized a show called “Cartoons em Jazz” (in english Cartoons in Jazz), that mixed music, theatre and video projections. The show has been rewarded as one of the most influent brazilian shows of the year, with others great names such as Ney Matogrosso, Hamilton de Holanda, Paralamas e Titãs.

In 2013, I released a progressive piano method called “Piano Bossa Nova: progressive method” (book + videos+mp3). The method is available in english on Amazon.com. Visit the hotsite www.pianobossanova.com

In 2018, I released the interactive method “The brazilian piano book” (book + videos + audios), available on Amazon.com. Visit the hotsite www.opianobrasileiro.com